Location: Janus Health Hub, 174 Corio Street, Shepparton , VIC

Email: info@gvmindbodyfit.com.au

Phone: 0456 410 183

What is an Nurse Practitioner?


A Nurse Practitioner (NP) is a Registered Nurse with specialist skills and education that enables them to provide you with quality health care.  All Nurse Practitioners (NP) have completed university study at a Masters Degree level. They undergo extensive clinical training, are endorsed to function autonomously and collaboratively and work in advanced and extended clinical roles.​

You can make an appointment directly with us. There is no requirement for a doctor’s referral.

The expanded skills of a Nurse Practitioner include:​

• Diagnosis and treatment of health conditions.
• Clinical investigations which can involve ordering and interpreting pathology and other diagnostic tests and assessments.
• Prescribing medications, adjustment of your medications, management of side effects and managing discontinuation of medication where required.
• Referral to medical specialists.
• Sickness certificates.


• Nurse Practitioners provide health care in all states and territories in Australia.
• We can provide patient rebates through the Medicare Benefits Schedule.
• We provide prescriptions and access to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
• Nurse Practitioners are registered health care providers with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
• Nurse practitioners have been working across Australia for over 15 years.
• We can order x-rays and diagnostic tests.


Your treatment plan is designed for steady progress, with every phase promptly implemented.

Nurse Practitioners work directly with you and provide comprehensive services including:
• Assessment and diagnosis of your health problems
• Referrals for neccessary x-ray and blood tests
• Prescriptions of medications
• Referrals to other health practitioners
• Education, counselling and support

Welcome To Goulburn Valley MindBodyFit!

Helping you access quality health care when
and where you need it